Saturday, October 27, 2012

Finding My "Greatness"

The new Nike campaign has challenged everyone to find their "greatness".  There was a point in my life where I believed that "greatness" was an elite concept where some people had it and some never would. To me greatness wasn't a choice. Greatness was an Olympian, race winners, endurance athletes; something you were genetically prone to. Average joe's certainly didn't make the cut. I never thought to myself, "You could be great." What I should have been thinking is "why not??".
My skewed view of "greatness" was probably a direct result of low high school/college self esteem. I was always average and middle of the pack, not being able to race well to save my life. After college I started running. Not training, running. I'd run for fun around town, losing myself in rhythmic footsteps and music. I began challenging myself to go an extra mile or take a hillier route. I rekindled my love of the sheer freedom you feel when losing yourself; its only by losing myself that I found my "greatness".
"Greatness"can't be quantified or defined. Its ever changing with loose limits and barriers that are meant to be overcome. My "greatness"will start with my current project and then explode! My passion for running will ignite my current limits and fuel my ambitions. I never thought I'd hit a slump so bad that I'd stop running for months. Now that I'm getting back on track, I never want to stop. Quitting isn't an option.
In the spring I signed up for a marathon. I told myself that I'd train to run a Boston qualifying time. Shortly after an injury, I became ill and thats when the wheels fell off and emotional wall caused my running to halt. I haven't ran more than 14miles consecutively all year. In the past six months, 13.5mi is the most I've gone out in a single shot. This is far from the "greatness" I had in mind this past spring but "greatness" changes. I've decided that my current "greatness" will be upholding promises. I signed up for the Harrisburg Marathon on November 11. Thats two weekends from now. I've been running for four weeks. Some of you are probably thinking, "Whoa! Don't be a retard and run something you haven't even remotely trained for." but I have to. I owe it to myself. Tomorrow I'm aiming for my first 16mi run this year. Next week I'll aim for a repeat and come November 11, I'll aim to finish. Yes, this is a faint version of my original goal but lets face it, there is no way I can hold a quick pace for a marathon right now. Quitting isn't the "greatness" legacy I want to leave behind.
Right now, I'm working on getting back into running shape. Right now my "greatness" is accomplishing this small feat. Later, my "greatness"will be running DC for a BQ. Greatness isn't failure, its the courage to keep trying. Bring it "greatness", I'm not longer afraid of you.

Update: I went out for an easy 16 with my wingman, Mr. 140.6, this morning. My projected finishing time in H-burg will be an embarrassing 4:30-4:40. With little preparation, its probably the best I can do. Step 1: Finish it. Step 2: Train Strong. Step 3: Run fast in DC!!! woot woot

Friday, October 19, 2012

My friday run with Shalane...

At 8am or so this morning I was going about my usual workday business, eating breakfast with the team and preparing for the meeting. I didn't know that today would be one for the books.

I was waiting for the meeting to start this morning with caffeine coursing through my veins and cereal warming my belly, seemingly content to make it through my Friday. I pull out my smart phone to pass the time and check the Friday status updates on Facebook. As I scrolled through the "TGIF"'s, I saw Shalane Flanagan's status update inviting anyone and everyone to join in on the afternoon run with Runner's World editors and staff... today... at 3pm. At this point I'm looking outside, seeing the rain and the lack of sunshine and I'm thinking... "That sounds pretty neat... if only there was sunshine..."After the usual safety hubbub, I get to thinking.... its raining now, but what about later? So I check the weather. Huh, sunshine around three pm. Cool. Now the juices are flowing. I look at "Mr. 140.6" sitting next to me and casually mention that we could be running with Shalane Flanagan this afternoon and not working. Just saying... time for meeting two.

After the second safety meeting I decide that its only the normal thing to do; take off work, burn half a vacation day and run with an Olympian. Typical Friday. No big deal. So I emailed my boss and told him that I needed to take a half day to go run with an Olympian. "Mr. 140.6" was easily persuaded to be my wingman. Things were falling into place. I go back to my apartment to put on matching Nike running clothes (you know, since she's sponsored by Nike), pull out my fly-est running kicks, and braid my hair. Can't look like a chump when you're running with Shalane... right?!? The only normal thing to do at this point is pull out my Nike running sunglasses and paste a smile on my face. These glasses my eclipse the twinkle in my eye but hey... Nike. At this point I'm ready to do this... now all I have to do is wait for my ride, an hour from now. I sit down on the couch; shoes laced up, water bottle in hand, staring at the clock. I get up, I sit down, I go check on random things... I walk my dog. Okay... time to go.

Like most people, I didn't want to be the first person to descend upon a celebrity. I just wanted to play it cool. To achieve this, I let "Mr. 140.6" ask her for a photo and I stepped into it. (See below) I said my thank you's and moved on. Shew, that was close. Didn't want to blow that one. Goal one of the day was now accomplished. On to goal two: Beat Shalane in a run.

Today's run was just a shake out run, an easy go before the weekend running festival races. (If you're bored and in the area: The initial pace was a daunting 10:30 shuffle at best. Shalane was ahead. Crap, already failing. They urged us to keep it slow. Today we aren't heroes. We're runners just stretching our legs before we take on the field this weekend. Stealth will be required for goal 2. Casually, I open my stride and eat up the distance between us. At this point, its the world championships and I'm passing on the right. She still doesn't know what's going on but I'm ahead and I maintained it, champion.

I don't drown everything out while accomplishing this goal, no I eaves drop. Taking notes from the best. Shalane mentioned to someone (unknown, I was ahead and couldn't see behind me) that she runs her base pace around 6:50 or so. If you run, you know that base pace isn't race pace... This tiny woman runs her marathon at about a 5:33min/mi pace. Just for a state of reference: my fastest 5k was ran at 6:36min/mi pace. This woman can run 23.1mi further and much faster than my 3.1mi race pace. If that doesn't blow you away, she's only 5'5" (probably on her tiptoes) and weighs just over 100lbs soaking wet. Where does the power come from?!? I have no idea. But its aw inspiring.

I think next week I'll go out and try to find my inner Shalane. Go out and find my fast. Bring it, today I beat Shalane. Maybe tomorrow, I'll aim to beat you and maybe I'm talking to you, Mr. 140.6. Keep Calm and Run On.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pay It Forward.

An email popped up in my inbox today looking for race volunteers for the Runner's World 5k/10k on Saturday. After a few minutes of thinking "dear god... 5:30am is early", I registered. The Hershey Half Marathon is Sunday, so I'll be leaving for Hershey early Saturday afternoon but I thought about my favorite races. The one thing every great race has, is excellent volunteers. These people sacrifice hours of their weekend to help fuel the energy and excitement of the race. Without the help of volunteers, these events wouldn't be possible and I'd never find out if I had the mettle to medal. I'm giving back to pay it forward. So thanks to all the volunteers and community members who cheer during those long races. Anyone want to get up Saturday?!? No?? Don't worry... I'll be there making sure someone's first race, is their favorite race.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

For Love and Chocolate

It's always hard to get moving after months of inactivity. A long run could hurt in places you forgot you could feel, lifting makes you hurt everywhere, and all of this exercise creates an overwhelming sense of fatigue. Two weeks ago I only logged maybe 22mi. The entire month of September, I may have logged a total of 85mi. Last week I ran 44.35mi. This week I've put it over 33 mi (plus whatever I run today). You may be saying to yourself that I'm crazy, no one should increase their milage that much in a week. I know when I've been lazy and I know when I'm working it. 40 miles or so is working it but not overdoing it. I'm like a Clydesdale. I'm built for work and endurance, definitely not a show horse. By running 5-6days a week, I'm forcing myself to stay accountable. I bought a running dairy. I've starting running with people and registered for what I'll call "training-races". Baby steps may be the difference between staying motivated and letting the wheels fall off again.

Yesterday I participated in the Under Armor Baltimore Running Festival with a total of 27,000 runners.  Together with three other girls, we complete the marathon relay. I was responsible for about 7.3mi of the course. With the excitement of my fellow runners, I decided to cover two legs of the race. Those 13.27mi were exhilarating. Just being a part of the energy and camaraderie of the occasion was truly a moving experience. The energy from the strangers cheering on the streets and the runners focused on a common goal was contagious. I've never had the marathon itch so bad in my life. I can't wait to try my hand at it in March. For now though, I'm going to focus on baby steps.

Next Sunday I'm running a "training-race". I'll be running my third Hershey Half Marathon. I won't be tapering for this, it'll be built into my regular schedule serving as a really, really fun run... with chocolate. Who could say no to that?!? I've been with this race since its inaugural event, so obviously I can't. Have no fear, they don't hand out the big candy bar until the end. I'll have to work for it. Next weekend, I run for love and chocolate. Wish me luck.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A New Beginning

In five weeks, I embark on a journey of self discovery; a journey that will be paved in sweat, blood, and perseverance. Dating back to the time of the Greeks, the marathon has become almost a right of passage for most runners, a testament to find out if you truly have the mettle to medal. Anyone can run a 5k but the marathon requires a hardened, seasoned athlete to finish. Training for a marathon is masochistic and I'm catching the sickness.

I've never been a great runner. When I line up at the start of a race, you'd never pick me out as someone to watch for. I'm tall and bulky for a runner and at times in my life, I've even been in the heavy weight class. Regardless of my physical appearance, in my chest beats a runner's heart, my legs feel that itch to stretch and move, and I "get it" when a New Balance commercial plays. I am a runner and its time to find out if I have the mettle. In five weeks, I'll begin the Hansons-Brooks Distance Project. 19 weeks later I'll be running the DC Rock and Roll Marathon. It won't be luck pushing me across the finish line in March, it'll be hours of sweat, blood, and sheer determination. No luck about it, I'll be prepared and ready to give it everything I have. 

This year has been a tumultuous journey with continuous set backs. I'm ready to overcome anything thrown my way. They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...  I'm lacing up my shoes and giving it every step I have. Many of these steps will be run solo. With the support of great friends and family, I'll never be running alone. Bring it.