Thursday, October 11, 2012

A New Beginning

In five weeks, I embark on a journey of self discovery; a journey that will be paved in sweat, blood, and perseverance. Dating back to the time of the Greeks, the marathon has become almost a right of passage for most runners, a testament to find out if you truly have the mettle to medal. Anyone can run a 5k but the marathon requires a hardened, seasoned athlete to finish. Training for a marathon is masochistic and I'm catching the sickness.

I've never been a great runner. When I line up at the start of a race, you'd never pick me out as someone to watch for. I'm tall and bulky for a runner and at times in my life, I've even been in the heavy weight class. Regardless of my physical appearance, in my chest beats a runner's heart, my legs feel that itch to stretch and move, and I "get it" when a New Balance commercial plays. I am a runner and its time to find out if I have the mettle. In five weeks, I'll begin the Hansons-Brooks Distance Project. 19 weeks later I'll be running the DC Rock and Roll Marathon. It won't be luck pushing me across the finish line in March, it'll be hours of sweat, blood, and sheer determination. No luck about it, I'll be prepared and ready to give it everything I have. 

This year has been a tumultuous journey with continuous set backs. I'm ready to overcome anything thrown my way. They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...  I'm lacing up my shoes and giving it every step I have. Many of these steps will be run solo. With the support of great friends and family, I'll never be running alone. Bring it.


  1. This is awesome Heather! Can't wait to read about your journey!

  2. You'll do that 26.2 in March Heather and that will just be the start. I'll help you any way I can. "mr 140.6" :)
